Hi Tom, I really enjoyed reading your article! You gave a great POV in regards to climatic activism that is needed everywhere. Your family..especially your Dad, I know is very proud of you. Otherwise he would not have sent me the link to your newsletter!

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Thank you Evan for the nice review! I think if we can turn the focus away from CO2 levels and weather patterns as the measuring sticks and more towards limiting our impact on nature and reducing people's suffering/inequities; the climate/environmental discussion is easier to pin down. Both sides can argue about the numbers regarding the ozone and climate, but it's hard to ignore oil spills, deforestation for roads/minerals and people living in shadeless, waterless environments.

And yes, my dad is enjoying my writing career. He get's to test out lots of theories and see if any of them stick with me and end up in these writings. :)

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Your Dad is an awesome dude!

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